API approved choke/kill manifolds and controls
API approved cement manifolds
Barite recovery for mud pits
Bulk cement, barite and bentonite storage and transfer
Cutting/handling and centrifuges
Drilling fluid process
Drilling systems process, flow diagrams P&IDs for all above
General and process instrumentation
Glycol injection units
High pressure mud systems
High pressure wash down manifolds
Mud gas separator
Mud treatment
Mud mixing and control
Mud additive
Mud charge pumps and integration
PLC expertize, support, design philosophy
Solids control equipment
Superintending, commissioning, dry-docking, engineering, project management in compliance with ABS, DNV and MODU for new builds and upgrades including Owner's representation
Trip tank and control integration
Zero discharge, by upgrading drain system, skimmer tank to comply with Class requirements
Zone management and compliance

Certified load cells compression and tension
Certified digital pressure indicators
Certified digital multi meters
Certified chart recorders
Hydraulic jacks
Hydraulic torque kits
Long range acoustic device for security and mass notification
Mooring buoys
Mooring load monitoring equipment
US ring impact spanners 5" down
Water bags
To view Terms and Conditions of rental, please click here

Anchor tension monitoring
Bulk silo weighing systems and controls
CALM buoy load cell systems
Chart recorders
Crane safe load indicators
Customized load pins
Diaphragm protectors and deboosters
Drilling instrumentation
Dynaline and mooring anchor tension monitoring systems
FSO/FPSO mooring monitoring
HMI systems
Hydraulic drilling instrumentation
Jacking and weighing systems with Center of Gravity computer
Leg height instrumentation - jack ups
Load cells, wired and telemetric, tension and compression
Mud instrumentation
P-tank load cell systems
PLC systems
Pressure transducers
Re strain gauging load cells
Sacrificial strain gauging
Safe lifting hooks
Shuttle tanker mooring tension monitoring
Stinger control systems
Subsea plough load cell systems
Surge can load cells

Our "In house" and offshore / onsite calibration equipment is third party certified to National Standards and may include, American Bureau of Shipping US Coast Guard, Det Norske Veritas, Bureau Veritas, National Physical Laboratory UK, NATA Australia and others as required.
Clients can rest assured that the equipment certification has full traceability.
Among others, we can test, calibrate and certify :
All digital, electronic, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, gauges and indicators
Ballast systems
BOP carrier
BOP panels
Breathing air
Bulk silo weighing systems
Chart recorders
Compensator panel
Crane safe load indicators
Divertor panels
Diaphragm protectors and deboosters
Drilling instrumentation
Dynaline and mooring anchor tension monitoring systems
Fire fighting foam
HMI systems
Immersion suits
Life boats
Life vests
Load cells
Mud and cement manifolds
Mud instrumentation
On and offshore instrumentation
PLC systems
Pressure relief valves
Pressure transducers
Pressure vessels
Repair of load cells
SCR room analog and digital gauges
Shackles, slings and lifting gear
Stinger systems
Subsea equipment
Subsea ploughs
Surge cans
Temperature gauges
Torque wrenches
Weather instrumentation